Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Fourth Basic Bahai (BUPC) Principle is:"Religion Must be a Source of Unity."


The Fourth Basic Baha'I (BUPC) Principle is: 

"Religion Must be a Source of Unity."

If it is not, its non-being were better than its being. The fourth foundation stone, the emerald, is green. Green is the color of harmony and unity. There is no color known that green will not harmonize with, as the green foliage blends with every hued flower. It is the color of immortality and also of humility.
The oneness of Religion, is an essential part of World Order. For until men are united spiritually, there can be no true brotherhood, nor any universally accepted authority. And both are essential to a social order. 

Various religious systems developing round the Person of their Founder, come into contact with other "religions" which have grown in the same way, and because they see the outer differences, accentuated by differences of climate, occupation and clothing, conclude that they are actually different religions. The inevitable conclusion is that "ours" is the only true one, thus making superficial differences into impassable barriers. 

Baha'u'llah shows how the teaching of a Manifestation of God is divided into two parts. The spiritual principles which do not change, and social ordinances and decrees which vary with the growth of man. He asks none of the established religions to accept the laws and ordinances of one among them. Neither does he leave us to fight it out among ourselves. In his own Revelation he fulfills the hopes and promises of all previous religions, those promises recorded in their own scriptures. His Book of Laws has the same authority as the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount and is acceptably to all religions. Without denying what has gone before and without "lowering" one Manifestation in favor of another, the Truth revealed by Bahá'u'lláh is able to bring religious unity to a torn and divided race.
This new age, this new cycle of human power, revolves around a new principle, the principle of Unity. "Unification of the whole of mankind is the hall-mark of the stage which human society is now approaching. Unity of family, of tribe, of city, state, and nation have been successively attempted and fully established. World unity is the goal towards which a harassed humanity is striving. Nation building has come to an end. The anarchy inherent in state sovereignty is moving towards a climax. A world, growing to maturity, must abandon this fetish, recognize the oneness and wholeness of human relationship and establish once for all the machinery that can best incarnate this fundamental principle of its life."
"A new life, is, in this age, stirring within all the peoples of the earth; and yet none received its motive."
"O ye children of men, the fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race..."

World Baha'i Statistics


World Baha'i Statistics

Recently two articles posted on net effectively analyzed exaggerated Baha’i census. One “Exit by troops”
( and the other “Three types of Baha’i census of India”. (

The first article is a very moderate view of the author, whereas the second article “The Three Type of Baha’i census of India” is much deeper analysis supported by documents authenticated by figures.

The common point in the two analyzations is the fact that one reason for this huge discrepancy in Baha’i census is that, no one is ever removed from the membership rolls unless they write a letter to the National Center renouncing their belief. So a person who becomes disillusioned and simply drifts away can remain on the rolls indefinitely. Once a Baha’i then always a Baha’i even after his death.

There is another opinion by Mr. Larry Rowe who believes that “The gross exaggeration of world Baha'i membership numbers is meant to placate all those who have been promised entry by troops for the past 80 years. The gross exaggeration of the number of actual Baha'is in India goes hand in hand with the inclusion of tens of thousands of people who signed declaration cards in North America in the past 20 to 40 years and that was it; they never truly became Baha'is they simply put their name on a card like you would on a Zellers card and never followed it up. Also the many others who signed declaration cards but who have become inactive and no long believe in the Baha'i faith or have actually joined other religious communities but have never taken the time to resign and have been addressing unknown for many years.”

Well I feel that the real cause for such a huge exaggeration in Baha’i census is much deeper and that is ‘well planned strategy of Baha’i administration centered at Haifa to show to the world high acceptability and success so as to claim that Baha’i Faith is one of the major religions of the world. It can be considered as the thirteen unwritten principle of Haifa based organization. All the counselors, ABMs assistant and members of LSAs are trained to work towards achieving this goal. The one who is more expert in this exaggeration is promoted much higher in the Baha’i Organization.

The Ruhi book courses are just to collect the addresses and to claim these are Baha’is. False stories are fabricated that the whole world is just dying for doing Ruhi books and to be converted. Whereas the fact is that many countries have deported Baha’is for proselytizing children and Junior youths as young as fifteen years and in many countries the Priests have warned the baha’is not to do any moral classes with Christian children, they may do it only for Baha’i children.

There is virtually no Baha'is in continental Europe. Very few in Holland, similar in Spain, Germany and France, fewer in Italy. From a demographic point of view this may as well be "zero."
The Baha’is claim to be about 5,000 in the UK but who knows what that means, and it is not a lot anyway. Likewise the CIS countries have very few Baha'is. Almost none in China. So, with Europe, Eurasia and China out of the way, where are they?

There are 60,000 adult Baha'is with good addresses in the US, 12,500 in Canada. These are addresses only! It means the aim of Ruhi Books courses are implemented very successfully. Actually they are not more than 500 in US and same number in Canada

The Middle East is likewise very small. Mostly Persians who married deceitfully Arab women’s without giving their Baha’i identity and then claiming their Baha’i children as citizen of that country.
There are 2,000 at most in the Arab world mostly Iranian pioneers. There are less than 30,000 registered Baha’is in Iran. Maybe 200, mostly Iranian refugees, in Turkey.

Not more than 1500 in Pakistan (mainly former Hindus, mainly rural peasants). About 500 in Bangladesh.
There are 300 in Thailand. There were 400 in Vietnam before the revolution, but few are likely to remain. There are very few, then, in all of Southeast Asia. There are only a few hundred in Japan, and a similar number in Korea. East Asia is a wash.

All that is really left is Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and India. 2.2 millions are claimed in India but the official census of Government of India say the exact number of Baha'is are only 11,324. Indians like to 'join' things, but go on being Hindus.

The claim of millions of Baha'is in Latin America is also fake. Mexico appears to have almost none. Columbia and Bolivia may have few hundreds each, to my recollection, but that is not the same as millions.
The biggest community was Uganda. But it has been greatly disrupted in the last 2 decades by war and dictatorship, and one doesn't know how many are left.

The Baha’i movement contains no potential for growth. It has only vertical potential of growth in terms of different sects originating in small time of 160 years. ( The 7 million reported to Encyclopedia Britannica by someone in Wilmette or Haifa is.... wish-fulfillment rather than a solid social science statistic. This high exaggeration also points towards a high level of frustration which is developing amongst members of Haifa based organization. At any point of time the Baha’i population in the World is not more than hundred thousand (0.1 million).

Baha’i Faith is essentially Persian dominated organization. It is no where near Christianity. It is not the fastest growing religion, it is not the most widespread religion after Christianity. Yes it may be the most comfortable religion, well then that is not a religion.

The fatal flaw in Baha’i authority


The fatal flaw in Baha’i authority

The basic problem of authority in the Baha’i Faith, with its false claim that those authorities are infallible, really becomes obvious when you consider the issue of the Guardianship, which Shoghi Effendi held from 1921 until his death in 1957. He was appointed to that position by his grandfather, Abdu’l-Baha.
O ye the faithful loved ones of Abdu’l-Baha! it is incumbent upon you to take the greatest care of Shoghi Effendi… For he is, after Abdu’l-Baha, the Guardian of the Cause of God… He that obeyeth him not, hath not obeyed God; he that turneth away from him, hath turned away from God and he that denieth him, hath denied the True One… All must seek guidance and turn unto the Center of the Cause and the House of Justice. And he that turneth unto whatsoever else is indeed in grievous error.
(`Abdu’l-Baha: Will and Testament, pages 25-26) 

Later, Shoghi Effendi himself wrote:
Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of Baha’u'llah would be mutilated and permanently deprived of that hereditary principle which, as Abdu’l-Baha has written, has been invariably upheld by the Law of God. …Without such an institution the integrity of the Faith would be imperiled, and the stability of the entire fabric would be gravely endangered. its prestige would suffer, the means required to enable it to take a long, an uninterrupted view over a series of generations would be completely lacking, and the necessary guidance to define the sphere of the legislative action of its elected representatives would be totally withdrawn.
(Shoghi Effendi: World Order of Baha’u'llah, page 148 ) 

It stands to reason that if Shoghi Effendi must be obeyed absolutely as the representative of God’s will, then he himself must obey the Baha’i commandments that came before him. If he was disobedient to Baha’i laws, then no one should obey him. 
Baha’ullah, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, stated in his book of laws, the Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph 109, “Unto everyone hath been enjoined the writing of a will.”
Likewise, Abdul-Baha, son of Baha’u'llah, in the very Will and Testament by which he appointed Shoghi Effendi to the Guardianship, stated: “It is incumbent upon the Guardian of the Cause of God to appoint in his own life-time him that shall become his successor, that differences may not arise after his passing. He that is appointed must manifest in himself detachment from all worldly things, must be the essence of purity, must show in himself the fear of God, knowledge, wisdom and learning. Thus, should the first-born of the Guardian of the Cause of God not manifest in himself the truth of the words:—“The child is the secret essence of its sire,” that is, should he not inherit of the spiritual within him (the Guardian of the Cause of God) and his glorious lineage not be matched with a goodly character, then must he, (the Guardian of the Cause of God) choose another branch to succeed him.” (Abd’ul-Baha. Will and Testament, p. 12.)
Shoghi Effendi did none of these things. He had no children, and in fact he expelled from the Faith as “Covenant-breakers” every other descendant of his own grandfather, thus betraying the Faith. When he died in 1957, he left no will and had appointed no successor, thus failing to obey the very Covenant he was expected to uphold.
With no further guidance from the Guardian, the Hands of the Cause of God that he had appointed to assist him did the only thing they could to keep the Baha’i Faith alive: They took over the Faith and arranged for the eventual election of the Universal House of Justice in 1963. But without a Guardian to preside over that body, it would never be in accordance with the very writings that established its authority. And the only ones who could be Guardian were the male descendants of Baha’ullah, all of whom were excluded from the Faith by the first Guardian!
Indeed, the simple fact that Shoghi Effendi disobeyed both Bahau’llah and Abd’ul-Baha by not leaving a will, by expelling all his own relatives from the Faith, and not appointing in his lifetime one of his brothers or male cousins as his sucessor to the Guardianship should be enough to demonstrate that there is NO “true” Baha’i Faith existing today. Its authority is meaningless by the testimony of its own history!
And perhaps this was inevitable, since Baha’ullah himself warned his successors in the Faith not to exceed the proper bounds of their authority. Referring again to the Kitab-i-Aqdas, we find this as paragraph 37:
“Whoso layeth claim to a Revelation direct from God, ere the expiration of a full thousand years, such a man is assuredly a lying impostor. We pray God that He may graciously assist him to retract and repudiate such claim. Should he repent, God will, no doubt, forgive him. If, however, he persisteth in his error, God will, assuredly, send down one who will deal mercilessly with him. Terrible, indeed, is God in punishing! Whosoever interpreteth this verse otherwise than its obvious meaning is deprived of the Spirit of God and of His mercy which encompasseth all created things. Fear God, and follow not your idle fancies. Nay, rather, follow the bidding of your Lord, the Almighty, the All-Wise. Erelong shall clamorous voices be raised in most lands. Shun them, O My people, and follow not the iniquitous and evil-hearted. This is that of which We gave you forewarning when We were dwelling in ‘Iráq, then later while in the Land of Mystery, and now from this Resplendent Spot.”  (Emphasis mine) 
Since any Baha’i would affirm that Abdu’l-Baha is inferior in rank to Baha’u'llah, we have to apply consistent logic to the Baha’i Writings;  and when we do…..
“The sacred and youthful branch, the guardian of the Cause of God as well as the Universal House of Justice, to be universally elected and established, are both under the care and protection of the Abha Beauty, under the shelter and unerring guidance of His Holiness, the Exalted One (may my life be offered up for them both). Whatsoever they decide is of God. Whoso obeyeth him not, neither obeyeth them, hath not obeyed God; whoso rebelleth against him and against them hath rebelled against God; whoso opposeth him hath opposed God; whoso contendeth with them hath contended with God; whoso disputeth with him hath disputed with God; whoso denieth him hath denied God; whoso disbelieveth in him hath disbelieved in God; whoso deviateth, separateth himself and turneth aside from him hath in truth deviated, separated himself and turned aside from God. May the wrath, the fierce indignation, the vengeance of God rest upon him!” (Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Baha, Page 11 [Emphasis mine] )
There is no way that passage can be reconciled with the one of Baha’u'llah denying that anyone can recieve direct revelation from God before the passage of 1000 years. And that might explain why Shoghi Effendi died without issue at the relatively young age of 60, in the midst of the Ten Year World Crusade he was leading. He was probably struck down by God himself just as Baha’u'llah would have predicted. And despite the desperate efforts made ever since to teach and proclaim the Baha’i Faith under the Universal House of Justice, it remains to this day a small, cult like body scattered over the world, with no potential to make any real difference in the world at large.
To all readers, I implore you to be fair in your judgment and search your feelings. The Baha’i Faith is a failure and you need not be bound by laws, authorities, or institutions that are not based on truth. If you belong to the mainstream Baha’i Faith that follows the Guardianship-less Universal House of Justice, or one of the splinter groups that rejected the authority of that body, the fact remains that you follow a spiritually dead faith and are totally wasting your time. The Baha’i Faith in its present form will never become the great religion of the world Baha’ullah and Abdu’l-Baha envisioned it to be, because Shoghi Effendi ruined it with his blind assumption of his own infallibility. His own relatives questioned his decisions and were expelled for doing that. If you cannot question authority, it can destroy you. Or, in this case, the credibility of the authority is destroyed and opposing it becomes a moral obligation. Let it be so!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Former Bahai - Revealing Bahai Lies!


Sending salam on the Prophet Muhammad

It's interesting how Bahai's tend to say 'peace be upon him' when they mention Bahaullah, although they have no need to do so yet they do so only in following what muslims are obligated to do when they hear the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned.Why do muslims send salutation and praises on the Prophet Muhammad? Because it is a command from the Prophet as we observe from the hadith below:

"The miserly is he, before whom I am mentioned and he does not invoke blessings on me"

Tirmidhi, al-Jami'-us-saheeh, b. of da'wat (supplications) ch.101, (5: 551 # 3546)
So muslims are encouraged by the Prophet to send praises upon him. Sadly bahais do not have such a command, yet in their hearts, they too want their 'prophet' to be seen as revered and praised as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So they follow suit in praising their so called 'prophet', basically in envy and not in obligation or encouragement of it in their religion.

What this means is that Bahai's are not taught the proper ettiquetes of addressing their 'prophet'.

In case you've noticed, all previous prophets used their real names and NOT some psuedo-names like Bahaullah or Bab. Bahai's are not proud that their 'prophets' have muslim names, perhaps because it hinders their marketing of their religion in the west.

Muhammad (peace be upon him), is the last and final messenger of God and there are reasons for that and perhaps I would write on it in details in future blogs, God willing. Sending praises and blessings of God on the Prophet Muhammad is an instruction from the prophet the like of which is severely lacking in the Bahai Faith.

Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr) - How Bahai faith is lacking


Its a good thing that many people have given me feedbacks, mostly Bahais, and they displayed how they were annoyed at me (some even threatened) when they read my views on the Bahai Faith :-). It's amusing.

For the record, I'm only writing. It's not like I've taken 'jihadi' action against any Bahais. At least not yet. But if push comes to shove, inshallah the Muslim world would rise against it. So best keep words to words and not act irrationally towards people's views. I have a right to voice my opinions against the Bahai Faith just as Husayn Ali can say that he is the return of Muhammad (pbuh). If there's something not right, please highlight to me with proof and evidence, then we can talk, otherwise leave it. Again, I have emphasized in my disclaimer that there is no force on the part of the reader to take 100% what I say here. Check it out for yourselves, do some 'independent investigation' ;-).

Today I'm covering the discrepencies surrounding Laylatul Qadr or Night of Power. To understand this discrepency, we have to first get the idea of what the Night of Power means. Islam has declared its existence in the Surah Qadr, as below:

Surah Al-Qadr (Quran 97:1-5)
1. Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree.
2. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree?
3. The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
4 The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter.
5.Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.    

So, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us, as we know from various hadith, that the last tens nights of ramadhan holds this Night of Power. On that night, Angel Jibril (Gabriel) descends with his party of angels to implement on earth the records from the Guarded Tablet (lawhul mahfuz). We will cover this in detail in later articles, inshallah.

So the Night of Power has a few features to indicate its occurence. The Quran says, 'Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.' meaning that night is extraordinarily peaceful. From the hadith we also know that it would be extraordinarily cloudy and cold the next morning and there would not be barking of dogs.

So, the question is: What has happened to the Night of Power in the Bahai 'revelation'? Has it been abrogated?

Of course, being a former Bahai for 25 years I can tell you off hand that the Bahai faith is totally silent about this matter. But that's me. I did some more research and found that its true that this matter is not mentioned in Bahai text:

Item 20 - - 'Night of Power'

Reference is made to 'a Bahá'í book about the Qur'án, possibly Proofs from the Holy Qur'án, where the Quranic 'Night of Power' is discussed.7 Mr. ... wishes to know whether the interpretation provided in this work is correct. A discussion of this subject under the heading, 'The Night which is better than [a] Thousand Months', is contained in Proofs from the Holy Qur'án, pp. 145-146. A careful reading of this section will show that the author states that he is expressing his own view. The Research Department has not been able to locate any authoritative interpretation of this Quranic verse in the Bahá'í Writings. Mr. ... should reach his own understanding of the matter.

taken from
Can you believe it? They actually admit there is nothing in the bahai text written on this matter. To me this is a problem. Why? Because if there is a faith allegedly from God, that has come to abrogate all previous laws, and let's say for the sake of argument we don't argue on that, then what about all the principles and unseen events mentioned in the Quran like the Night of Power or restrictions to worship a human being? Can you have a new religion that abrogates previous laws, but failed to either uphold or cancel all other concepts in the previous religion?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In Islam we have so many concepts and unseen events which is alluded to by the Quran, are they all now abrogated?

You see, abrogating laws is one thing, but totally cancelling out or remaining silent on certain other truths which are not law related, is another. For example, is it right that if the Bahai faith says only after a thousand years would another manifestation come, and then a guy calling himself Maitreya after only 150 years declares himself as the next manifestation, abrogates not only the laws of the Bahai faith but also the truth that time frame of a thousand years gap between manifestations is also abrogated. Can you abrogate establish truth? It just doesn't make sense.

Many Bahais do this to me, all the time! When muslims attempt to explain that there are certain established truth that cannot be abrogated, Bahais simply say that their religion abrogates Islam, totally! I hope you as the reader can discern well my point here.

My question to the Bahai World is: What has happened to the Night of Power? Has it stopped from happening? Or is it still going on? I challenge the Bahai 'scholars' to give me textual answers from their books, if they can. Anyone can give their opinion, but I want to know if they can defend this issue on a professional level, bringing proof from their text.

Friday, September 3, 2010

BAHA'I SCAM-ARTISTRY & FRAUD IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: A Multi-Milliard Rial Scam* By A Baha’i Company in Dubai


Originally appeared in the Persian language ‘Asr-i-Iran 26th of Isfand 1387 (solar) = Monday, March 16, 2009 CE
A Multi-Milliard Rial Scam* By A Baha’i Company in Dubai
After the passage of 20 months it is established that this company not only did not build a single tower/high rise, but didn’t even obtain the properties for their construction!
In an unprecedented scam involving the amount of 2,150 milliard rials (which was  taken from Iranians who had invested money for the purpose of obtaining property in Dubai), a high-rise/tower construction development company connected to the Baha’is in the United Arab Emirates has committed fraud.
According to reports by [the newsagency?] MAWJ (wave), approximately 20 months ago the company ‘Reliance’, which is connected to twoBaha’is by the names of Farhang Rahavi and Elham Sabeti, took money
from Iranians in a pre-sale/‘on plan’ venture capacity, which involved 60 percent on the sale value [of properties], totalling 724 million dirhams (equivalent to 1,950 milliard rials).
With the sale of two [corporate] projects (a German named ‘Solar Star’and the Emirati named ‘Al-Mahara’), this company as well demanded the sum of 75 million dirhams (equivalent to 200 milliard rials) from Iranians for the purpose of buying property, and obtained it.
Farhang Rahavi, who is an Iranian national with an American passport, then traveled to Dubai with the aim of organizing an association for the defense of the misled Baha’i cult. He - who sometime before, due to his involvement with other fraudulent ventures, had earlier fled Iran - married Elham Sabeti (the former wife of Dr. Mahbubi, i.e. the community head of the misled Baha’i cult in Dubai), and with the company named ‘Reliance’ entered the real estate property market in Dubai.
This company, in pursuit of illegal transactions, then obtained the sum of 2,150 milliard rials from Iranians for 22 completed towers/high rises with the two German and Emirati [corporate] projects.
It should be mentioned that amongst this collected sum approximately 1,110 milliard rials (equivalent to 112 million US dollars) has been transferred out of the United Arab Emirates and over to the United States of America.
The buyers [i.e. investors] are of the opinion that through the agency of one individual named Pezhman Riazati, who is also a Baha’i, their money was sent out of Iran over to the United Arab Emirates and then transferred to the United States.
The defrauded Iranians in seeking redress with the legal courts of the Emirates are as yet unsuccessful in obtaining hearings, and moreover their cases presently stand in a state of limbo. Some of the bigger Iranian real estate companies in Dubai, who likewise had dealt with this company in the past, at the present time have also not been able to contact the company owners of ‘Reliance’.
A few years ago, in regard to foreign investments and transactions in Iran, the Chief Justice of our nation had in some cases specifically warned about unknown companies without identity.
* ‘Kollah-bardari’ (literally. ‘taking the hat off’) is translated interchangably as ‘scam’ and ‘fraud’.





From UHJ to NSA to SBC/RBC down to LSAs all are selections in the name of elections

A- UHJ Elections

1-Every member of the present UHJ is from International Teaching Centre (ITC).It is clear indication that a Baha’i is first appointed on board of counselor, then he is promoted to ITC and finally he is elevated as UHJ member.

2-Mr. Razavi and Correa when promoted to ITC, they were given a world tour (Made a part of the Orchestra) to justify their programmed predetermined election.

3-Mr. Omid Seioshanseian in India and Mr. Jabbar Eidhelkhani in Bangladesh are sending false reports to UHJ with the intention of getting appointed on ITC.

4. India has the highest population of Baha’is of more than 2.2 million, but never even a single Indian has been elected as member of the UHJ. This speaks of the STAGE MANAGED, UHJ election.

5-There are National Spiritual assemblies in almost 200 countries but four members out of nine (45%) on UHJ are Persians.

All with approval of UHJ.

B- Nexus between UHJ and NSA

1-UHJ sees that no undesired member is elected on the NSA. This is done with collaboration of the UHJ member responsible for that country and the continental counselors.

2-Members of NSA also use fraudulent means of getting himself and his group elected every year.

3-When there are so many active local Indian Baha’is and more than half the delegates are Indian then how come the members elected are Persians.

4-Some of those members of the NSA, who are being elected year after year, do not possess an impressive record of services to the Faith.

5-The circle is so vicious and so tightly bound that there doesn’t appear to be any way out of it for sincere active Indian Baha’is.

6-A Baha’i delegate purposely made his ballot invalid by writing 10 names but the report of the chief teller said there was no invalid votes.

7-Those members who get elected to the NSA by fraudulent means, also manage to manipulate the election/appointments to the State Baha’i Councils and Regional Baha’i Councils of their States, besides taking improper action on other matters.

8-There is a close nexus between these people. This has been going on.

All with approval of UHJ.

C- Counting process

The counting process of the Baha’i election is Stage managed, because, it is at this stage that the names mentioned in the votes are not read out correctly to the tellers that is why, year after year, the same men manage to get themselves on the National Assembly. Can appropriate handling of Funds be expected from such cheats!

D-  Meetings of NSA

1-Whenever one or two 'prominent' members (Persian members) are not able to attend a meeting, the meeting is either cancelled or postponed.

2 Decisions are taken on phone. Although Baha'i administration do not allow for consensus decisions over the phone.

3 Decisions taken in this manner are improper and cannot be acted upon.

4-Mrs. Sorabjee after being removed as counselor tried very desperately to become NSA member despite her advanced age. She use to attend National Conventions and did thorough canvassing for her. With the approval of UHJ (Payman Mohajir) she was declared elected.

5-Certain members like Mr.Anil Sarwal, Dr. Mogbelpur and Dr. Ansari were made to resign to clear the way for Mrs. Sorabjee, Mrs. Farideh Vahedi and Ms. Nazneen Rohani. The love for women is not only the specialty of Dr. Payman but it is of entire Mohajir clan.

6-The undesired member Dr. Ansari was reelected but was again asked to resign after a month to clear the way for Dr. Sohail Mohajir.

7-Days are numbered for Dr. Telli, Mr. Ramsevak and Mr. Ali Merchant.

8. The decision by these women is taken in consultation with Mr. Mohajir and conveyed to the other respected members and they are left with no option but to accept it or else the door is open. Hats off to Mr.Ansari for maintaining his self esteem.

9. When no women member is allowed on the UHJ, then how come on the NSA we have a majority of decisions making by women and the others are made to look like show pieces just to fill in the seats.

All with approval of UHJ





A.      A study of Baha'i institution
Many control mechanisms relate to the electoral system and the realities of power are existing in the Baha'i community. Early Baha’is allowed nominations to be made for Baha’i office, and also allowed campaigning for Baha’i Institution. When early Baha’is asked ‘Abdu’l- Baha, how they should conduct elections for local spiritual assemblies ? He replied that they should follow the rules for elections common in their own country (‘Abdu’l-Baha 1908-1916: I,7).
Van den Hoonard points out that nominations and canvassing for Baha’i office were standard practice in North America in the time of ‘Abdu’l- Baha (van den Hoonard 1996:157-158).
Baha'i Institutions abolished the practice of nominations and campaigning for elective Baha’i office in accordance with Iranian Baha’i practice. Although ending these practices appears to have a reason, as the community grew, it became impossible for Baha’i elective institutions to have a control over the elections and to bring only those candidates whom they rely and decide.

Criticism of Baha’i institutions by a Baha’i is considered an act of“ Covenant Breaking” and is often branded a “dishonest attack” on the Baha’i faith, punishable by shunning. After a vote has been taken, all the members of the Baha’i community must support the result, and defeated minorities may not continue to criticize. This theory of political behavior denies the need for checks and balances.
The placing of elected bodies above public criticism and the silencing of defeated minorities has had predictable effects at the national level.


The National Spiritual Assembly enjoys all the advantages of controlling the image of potential NSA members in the national newspaper, The Baha’i News India (an organ of the N.S.A.), sending these incumbents to local communities, and sending members around to conferences, which enhances their visibility (all this is paid for out of the national Baha’i fund). These advantages of incumbency are especially very useful in a system where no campaigning for office by others is allowed.

The sitting members often promote close associates onto the body,“flying them around to conferences,” appointing them to high-powered national committees, and giving them prominence at important events . Since speaking openly about candidates is not allowed, subtle non- erbal signals have taken on extreme importance for delegates, who seem willing to be guided by the incumbents in these indirect ways.
So the future members of the NSA is made a part of an orchestra conducted by the N.S.A Formally approved by Universal House of Justice and supported by the Continental Counselor present in the Convention.

Some campaigns are launched by unannounced candidates who go about the country giving talks. Such informal campaigning, the  National Spiritual Assembly occasionally stops by ordering the person’s talks cancelled, or, if chairmanship of a national committee is becoming a platform for popularity, by firing the individual.
Baha’is call these manipulation of elections, as divinely inspired. Control Mechanisms and Sanctions.
Baha’i leaders employ a number of important control mechanisms to control the Baha’is. These include removal of voting rights, shunning, demands for sticking to traditions, accusations of “weakness in the covenant,” informing and surveillance, and various forms of censorship. Many of these tools are employed basically against persons who are somehow prominent or appear to have leadership potential but do not seem easy for incumbents to control, or against intellectuals
The prohibition of nominations and campaigning leads administrators to feel a need for strict controls on Baha’i discourse, and often to the avoidance of even mentioning leaders by name in public, which would be considered as “backbiting.”
The ban on campaigning leads to a situation where a great deal of suspicion falls on any active intellectual not directly controlled by the N.S.A. Great suspicion attaches to any Baha’i teacher or lecturer who is not an elected or appointed official and is thought to be
“gaining a following.”:

B.      A study of Indian Baha’i Institution
National Convention Delegates
Till about 1986 there were about 171 delegates, courtesy Oliyai Family. These delegates were in accordance with the paper Baha’is projected by the Oliyai family which controlled the NSA elections. False statistics were given by which a large number of delegates were procured.These delegates were given free Delhi trip and free lodging and boarding and were asked to vote for particular candidates .One of the delegate reported “While all of us were coming from Gwalior in a Jeep for National Convention, one of the delegates said,” Nissan
Oliyai is a very good boy, vote for him.”
Many of the decisions of the NSA were taken outside NSA as Oliyai family enjoyed the majority. A set of decisions were made and it was circulated amongst their friends to finally approve them in the meeting.
Once the members were of no use they were dropped from the NSA list in the next elections.
Mr. Bargawa     in 1972
Mr. Khare       in 1986
Mr. & Mrs. Gandhi   in 2000
Mr. Khemani     in 2000
Mr. Shah        in 2003
Later on the UHJ cut short the number of delegates from 171 to 38 to cut Oliyai family to size, but HOUSE failed miserably.
Letter of Universal House of Justice dated 20th September 1988 The allocation of 38 delegated to India is a temporary measure.
 {11th meeting of NSA, 26th and 27th may 1993.}

Canvassing in the National Convention
i.      A full scale canvassing is being done during the National convention, the NSA members show deep interest in the delegates enquiring about every minor and finer points of their states, to convey to the delegates that they are very true and faithful Baha’is and always wish for the development of the Faith in his state. This concern goes down till the Ballot paper. And once the Election is
over, everything is backed to original state.
ii.     Some of the members although unable to pronounce clearly Allahabha use to greet every delegate with a loud welcome of ALLAHUABHA .To show that they are completely PERSIANISED.
iii.    The NSA members also do not fail in giving treats to the delegates of ICE CREAMS, who under ordinary days will not even bother to glance at them.
iv.     The consultation during conventions are a major platform to project the Candidates for the NSA election. All the speeches are occupied by outgoing NSA members where they leave no stone unturned to show that they are the one “Human with potentials” and deserved to become the NSA members.
v.      Although Hindi is the Mother Tongue of a large number of the delegates, the NSA members will give big speeches in English, which is not even understood by a large number of delegates, but English is the effective way of proving that they are PERSONS WITH CAPACITY
vi.     The NSA also decides during the year to have meetings in different states. This is just a publicity stunt and to impress the delegates who will be attending the convention.

False Voting
A teller reported that a number of Ballot papers are received by post with the same name repeated in the same order showing that the source of all these ballot papers are one
The total numbers of delegates present in the convention were 17. The total number of ballots received and counted were 33.
All these is well known by the Counsellor present in the convention. It all takes place with the effective approval of the UHJ as they do not want any unapproved member on NSA .
UHJ interference in elections
Many a times the appointment of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer came from UHJ, there was no election, only selection, but it was announced as election of the office bearers. It was clear that the House was very interested in appointment of certain member as a Treasurer.
Many a times Members of the House attended the NSA of India meeting and requested certain members to resign.
Present Scenario
The UHJ controls every bit of NSA members and their decisions, Mr. Payman Mohajir is the person responsible for India .He is indirect contact with Mrs. Farideh Vahidi who cares a damn not only to the various departments of  NSA but also to her host Country.
When one of the employees of the Baha'i House, who was unjustly removed after his long years of services asked her to follow the law of the Land,
She said I care a damn about your Country and its Laws.
The election of Mrs. Sorabji is actually an election of Mr. Sorabji .It should be known that a non-Baha'i Mr. Sorabji is more useful to the Faith then Mrs. Sorabji. As amount of power he yields in the Government.
Mr. Sohail Mohajir, Yes the Surname matters a lot to UHJ.
So the main decision taker is UHJ through Mr. Paymen Mohajir supported by Mrs. Vahidi, Mrs. Sorabji Mrs. Nazneen Rohani and ofcourse one can take Mr. Mohajir for granted because of his surname.
To put aside any discrepancies Mr. Satnam is appointed as the consultant showing the real position of Indian counselors.
Not to mention all other members NSA are just a show piece. Congrats to Mr. Sarwal and Dr. Ansari for their self respect.


BAHAI Tactics & Techniques


"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning ignorance
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer, i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed while supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais


By Adrian Worsfold

When I was confirmed into the Church of England in 1984 I asked some Baha'is I met at their firesides to come along. None did. In the end I fell out with the Baha'is as I discovered academic material that presented their history differently from their own. They are very committed to the preservation of their history as monitored by the Universal House of Justice, the nine seater male-only assembly meant to be a combined secular and religious decision making body for the world, elected without campaigns by the National Spiritual Assemblies below them, these elected by delegates from the Local Spiritual Assemblies below them. It is a very conserving system, a sort of democratic centralism: what the top level says goes.
Very quickly summarising: the origins of the Baha'i Faith are in the Babi faith that developed out of Shia Islam in Iran and Iraq. They were waiting for the return of the Hidden Twelfth Imam and a Holy War for the victory of Islam. In 1844 Sayyid Ali Muhammed Shrirazi claimed to be the Bab, the Gateway to the returning Imam. When he didn't appear at Karbala, Sayyid Ali Muhammed escalated his status in stages to the Imam, then the Prophet and then superseding to a new Manifestation of God. The movement was surrounded by violence, and started much of it themselves. The Bab appointed Mirza Yahya (or Sub-i-Azal) to be his successor, but after the Bab was killed by the authorities the violence continued and the movement was in severe decline. Sub-i-Azal's half brother, Mirza Husayn Ali, an elite Persian convert, built up his own faction and in 1863 he, Baha'u'llah (Glory of God) announced himself as the Bab's next Manifestation of God. The authorities never left either faction alone, and the Azalis ended up in Cyprus and the Baha'is at Palestine. However, Baha'u'llah, in the course of the compulsory travels and his declaration to the few and then the world of his status, read Sufi and New Testament material, and completely remodelled the faith as it came into the Western orbit, making itself syncretistic in character, peaceful and expecting the unification of the world.
Baha'u'llah died in 1892, and Abbas Effendi, his eldest son, or Abdul-Baha, became the leader and only interpreter or "Centre of the Covenant". Here there was factionalism, as a group known as the Unitarians (people of the Book, not Abdul-Baha's interpretations) broke out and were excommunicated. The Young Turks' victory meant an end to imprisonment, and Abdul Baha became a traveller around the West even more spiritualising and Westernising the movement, and was a charismatic figure as he attended mosques, Christian and Unitarian (the other sort) churches and synagogues.
After he died Shoghi Effendi became the first Guardian. Some Germans did not accept the validity of Abdul Baha's will appointing him and so the Free Baha'is emerged for a time. Shoghi Effendi should have had a serving Universal House of Justice under him, but he did not set it up. He should have left a will, but either he didn't or it never appeared. So when he died in 1957 there was a crisis of leadership, after which in 1963 the Universal House of Justice was formed and took to itself powers of the Guardian, most importantly the sole power to interpret and the power to excommunicate.
The chief of Hands of the Cause, a forerunner to the UHJ, Mason Remey, thought he should be the new Guardian. Factions have arisen ever since from that branch, including one that now thinks the second Guardian was presumptive, but so was the Universal House of Justice taking power to itself.
The UHJ produces plans for growth. The millennial nature of the Bahai Faith is that it expects the Most Great Peace to arrive (instead we had George Bush) and a tipping point where "troops" of people convert to the Bahai Faith. Unfortunately, the Bahai Faith has been born in a rather irreligious age in Europe, and other than some growth in developing countries, Europe has been slow and with a high turnover of members. Plus, the UHJ in Haifa has a habit of turning members who don't submit to censorship panels into covenant breakers. There are also quite a few people who find themselves mysteriously removed from the rolls of membership, but in the age of the Internet they continue the faith themselves with new freedom, the name Baha'i being in the public realm. A problem for the Haifa Baha'is is that only they can raise money for themselves, and members who can participate in Feasts as well as Firesides find themselves locked into administration details: the Baha'i Faith is an "Administrative Order" after all.
So at each stage of leadership transition elite groups have competed and been excluded, and it is reasonable to say that the quest for unity has been a failure because of its high cost in factions and breakaways, and now there is a more relaxed Bahaism emerging of excluded or drifter individuals. It matters not that the Universal House of Justice only recognises itself as legitimate, because anyone can read the Kitab-i-Iqan and Kitabi-i-Aqdas and the published materials that Shoghi Effendi translated into his strained olde-worlde English. Even infallibility is being questioned by individuals let loose.
The Bahai Faith is useful for Christians and Christian theology in a number of ways.
First of all we see something of a parallel in the Bab as a kind of announcer of a new manifestation, although he became what he expected. He gets positioned like a John the Baptist, and probably John the Baptist was his own man too. Then we have the central manifestation (Incarnation) figure, Baha'u'llah. Then we have the very important St. Paul figure, who becomes such an important interpreter and spreader into new cultures and giving a further twist to the faith.
Then we have the issue of authority. There is something of the Pope in the Guardian, of course, but the UHJ is like Orthodoxy or Roman Catholic centralism - with knobs on. In fact it is very Weberian-bureaucratic, and very pyramidal. Weber regarded such with great pessimism: it was anti the life-giving enchantment that he thought religion supplied.
The other lesson is that of allowing theology to grow organically and in diversity. There is a distinct double identity problem of Baha'i member scholarship in secular institutions including that of religious studies departments. It does the Baha'i Faith no favours. We see similar with some Roman Catholics. If Christians become more subject to such pressures of membership conformity, then there is a distortion to both the academic sphere and to the representational sphere.
I also suggest that Christians should express the truth as they find it even when it conflicts with doctrines or interpretations of the Bible. If there is some compelling finding about, say, the Jesus of history as an endtime Jewish rabbi, then this should come first, or at least people should be honest about the layer-cake nature of doctrines or how people interpret the Bible.
Older faiths have developed more maturity with time. They can sit light and worry less about how their faiths are represented. Or at least this is what we thought, as the Christian world gave rise to a secular and plural world.
There are pressures to go along a road of such as the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans. There is a narrowing of what is legitimate expression of a faith, and there are calls for excluding those who are not biblical enough. An Anglican Communion, properly understood, would become a World Wide Anglican Church with authoritative statements handed down, with again distant high-up forms of selection of those with centralised power.
Who knows how these developments will work out. The Baha'is could not predict their own future, despite the claimed infallibility of the words of both their Manifestation of God and Centre of the Covenant. So Anglicans cannot predict theirs! Nevertheless, if secularisation and plurality lead down the road to authoritarianism and centralisation, there are going to be quite a few Anglican Communion Covenant Breakers who will continue to define the faith in a broad way, however they organise, meet and link up together.
Adrian Worsfold (Pluralist), has a doctorate in sociology and a masters degree in contemporary theology. He lives near Hull, in northeast England and keeps the blog Pluralist Speaks.

Battle of Covenants


The Court has issued its decision in the court action brought by the Wilmette NSA. The Court has ruled in favor of the Orthodox Baha'is. To read the Court's decision, follow this link:
Judgment in favor of the Orthodox Baha’i Faith In a decision handed down by the United States District Court, the Orthodox Baha’i Faith was found not guilty of contempt charges levied against it by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States (Wilmette NSA). The injunction that the Orthodox Baha’i Faith was accused of violating, would have prohibited it from using the name Baha’i, meaning a follower of Baha’u’llah (as the name Christian refers to one who follows Christ.) The NSA, a national branch of the world organization with over 6 million members, brought the legal action against the Orthodox Baha’i Faith, whose membership, in contrast, numbers less than 50 in the United States, many of whom are life-long believers. As a result of the judge's finding, the Orthodox Baha'i Faith may continue to use the name Baha'i in identifying itself and may continue to teach its belief in the continuing Guardianship of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, a teaching in direct opposition to that taught by the NSA group. The Orthodox Baha’i Faith recognizes Joel B. Marangella as the rightful Living Guardian of the Baha’i Faith. The original injunction was issued over forty years ago to a now extinct rival body to the NSA. In her judgment, the Honorable Amy J. St Eve wrote: “[T]he chain of successorship lacks a link” ruling on April 23, 2008 after holding an evidentiary hearing last January 7, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois on the contempt motion brought by the NSA. Also cited in the case was the Baha’i Publishers Under the Provision of the Covenant, a completely separate organization from either of the other parties. They too were found not guilty. The complete opinion of the Court can be found on the internet:
David Maxwell, PNBC Chairman
8924 Crest Ridge Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76179
817-279-3700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              817-279-3700      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
US District Court rules against Haifan Baha'is
I've just read both the Opinion and Motion. Here are my highlights for anyone interested in avoiding a lot of the legalese, admittedly beyond my comprehesion:
Contempt Motion by Wilmette NSA & Response by Orthodox Bahá'í Faith
"[T]he chain of successorship lacks a link," wrote the Honorable Amy J. St Eve, United States District Court Judge, in her Judgment in favor of theChicago_trial_january_7_2008_006Orthodox Bahai Faith and the Baha'i Publishers Under the Provisions of the Covenant. The Court ruled on April 23, 2008 after holding an evidentiary hearing last January 7, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois on the contempt motion brought by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States (Wilmette NSA).
In her decision, the Court stated that: "the vast weight of the record (including credible testimony) reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's membership varied materially from that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated the injunction."
p: 12
II. Application To The Court's Findings of Fact Applying the above-stated principles here, none of the Alleged Contemnors is in privity with the bound entity, and thus none has violated the injunction. In rendering this finding, the Court has carefully and deliberately weighed all of the evidence adduced at the hearing and otherwise submitted by the parties. The Court closely assessed the demeanor of each testifying witness, including his or her body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, mannerisms, and other factors indicative of credibility.
p. 27
Rather, the vast weight of the record (including credible testimony) reflects that there was a significant doctrinal rift on a critical tenet of each group's faith, and that the PNBC's membership varied materially from that of the NSA-UHG. The record further reflects a demonstrable lack of intent to violate the injunction, and that the PNBC was not created to avoid the effect of the injunction. Simply put, there is no substantial continuity between the NSA-UHG and the PNBC, and, as a result, Mr. Schlatter, Mr. Marangella, and the PNBC have not violated the injunction.
p. 31
After considering the full record in this case, the Court finds that SIBC and the BPUPC are not in privity with the NSA-UHG....
p. 32
For the above reasons, the Court finds that the Alleged Contemnors are not in privity with the NSA-UHG and, in turn, that they are not in contempt of the injunction.
Jugde Amy J. St. Eve
April 23, 2008
Frederick Glaysher
The Reform Bahai Faith
95 Theses - On Bahai Liberty - Articles - Abdu'l-Baha's Covenant --
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Saturday, April 26th, 2008
Victory! Victory! Victory! Today, this Ridvan 2008, the Covenant-breakers have been defeated! These mainstream violators who are the willing and/or unwitting successors in interest to arch-Violator Ruhiyyih Khanum and the violating “Hands” of the Cause who usurped the Baha’i International shrines on Mt. Carmel (Israel) during their hostile takeover in 1960 have been trying unsuccessfully for 7 years in different venues such as the UN (WIPO) and the Federal Courts (7th Circuit) to shut down our websites and prevent us from publicly and openly teaching the Baha’i Covenant fulfilled: - that Baha’u’llah and His successors have come in fulfillment of prophecy seated upon the throne of King David; that this is the God Promised Kingdom of God on earth, that Jews, Christians and Muslims await according to the text of their scriptures; and His throne-line and genealogy of King David continues in the aghsan lineage of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha is the long awaited coming of the Kingship of the second coming of Christ – Baha’u’llah – in the potency of the everlasting Father (Is. 9:6-7; Jn 14:6) seated upon David’s throne that is to last forever.
Today, this Ridvan 2008, in the 7th circuit Federal Court of the United States of America they have sorely and uttered defeated, smashed, beaten, put down, trounced, thwarted, humiliated, their arguments “erased and effaced” according to the explicit prayer of none less than Baha’u’llah Himself!“Inasmuch as great differences and divergences of denominational belief had arisen throughout the past, every man with a new idea attributing it to God, Baha’u'llah desired that there should not be any ground or reason for disagreement among the Baha’is. Therefore, with His own pen He wrote the Book of His Covenant, addressing His relations and all people of the world, saying, ‘Verily, I have appointed One Who is the Center of My Covenant . All must obey Him; all must turn to Him; He is the Expounder of My Book, and He is informed of My purpose. All must turn to Him. Whatsoever He says is correct, for, verily, He knoweth the texts of My Book. Other than He, no one doth know My Book.’ The purpose of this statement is that there should never be discord and divergence among the Baha’is but that they should always be unified and agreed. In His prayers Baha’u'llah also said, ‘O God! Whosoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily, whosoever violates My Covenant, O God, erase and efface him.’ (`Abdu’l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace, pp. 322-323)
We rejoice, therefore, not in the defeat of the avowed enemies of the Cause - but rather in the Victory of God that our teaching effort continues – ALL FLAGS FLYING – publically and openly, vital, strong and true – to both text and testament – the Power of the Covenant alone sustaining us.Many personal sacrifices have been made by many be all along the way. These violators of the Covenant – having no respect for the freedom of religion, first amendment of the United States – are infamous in their destruction of families, repressions and atrocities of their great oppression levied against the people forbidding them to even discus the fact that the true Universal House of Justice (according to the explicit text of the Covenant – W&T, p. 15) must have the living descendent of King David as its president to distinguish it from fakes, frauds and imitations.
Haply in the shadow of our victory, this triumph of the Cause of God over its avowed and recalcitrant enemies, has overshadowed and sheltered all individuals and groups of people calling themselves “Baha’i” as well be set free from the spectre of the violation to continue to practice the faith and promote the Cause the way they understand it. This unique position of our Council ( “seven rites of the Baha’i faith”) has both amazed, astounded and baffled both our enemies and well-wishers alike! Thus the watchword of “Unity in diversity” has been proclaimed and upheld, and the truth of the words: “Say: ALL ARE CREATED BY GOD!” has been manifested to all the people of the world. The Unity of the believers has been preserved by adherence and loyalty to every single provision of the Will and testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha.
These days of immanent war against Iran, world wide poverty and starvation looming, political corruption and intrigue assailing the governments of the world from within and from without, economic crisis and ruin threatening on every turn, estrangement of the cultures of the East and the West due to international “terror”; from out his gloom, only this Great Light of Hope – the Baha’i Peace Program – shines luminous above the horizon of the hearts of all humankind. Blessed and hopeful and happy are those that have seen this great light, and upon them in whom this light has shined!Simultaneous with the Chicago Earthquake epicentered at Mt. Carmel (Illinois) that shook the very foundations of the city of the midmost heart of the US, the ground-breaking Writ of Judge Amy St. Eve of the Federal Court sends forth the Judgment and ruling that the Baha’i’s Under the provisions of the Covenant, and the person of the current living Guardian, the great grandson of ‘Abdu’l-Baha are free to teach and proclaim the truth of the Baha’i Faith and truth of the Baha’i Covenant fulfilled: that ‘Abdu’l-Baha passed the throne of David to his aghsan-son Charles Mason Remey Aghsan, who passed this to his only son, Pepe, also an aghsan, and that Pepe then passed this on to his only aghsan-son, Neal Chase ben Jospeh Aghsan, the current living hereditary Guardian of the Baha’i Faith and President of the true Universal House of Justice of Baha’u’llah, established in the Rocky Mountains in America, that shall bring peace through justice to all the world.
Through the artifice and stratagem, these violators sought to hold the people to a 40 years old injunction placed in 1966 against the first American NSA that had originally accepted Mason Remey as ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s aghsan-son, before they turned against him. Through machinations from with and without, that first NSA was dissolved by ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s son himself, and several breakaway groups formed in its wake outside the provisions of the Covenant as the times of great confusion and testing continued to ravage the people enmeshed in the Baha’i world in the wake of the negative spiritual vortex set froth by Ruhiyyih Khanum and the Hands. In the midst of this maelstrom of violation, Knight of Baha’u’llah, Dr, Leland Jensen, separated himself and emerged as the great Baha’i teacher of the 20th century firm in the Covenant, ardent and resolute, and with the confirming support from on High, was able to point out that the aghsan lineage (the throne-line of King David from Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha known as “the BRANCH” – Zech. 3:8 KJV) was in fact continued unbroken in Mason and Pepe, the legal son and grandson of ‘Abdu’l-Baha respectively – “an adopted son has all the rights prerogatives of a natural son including the kingship” - and that the people were then free to form the true UHJ as set forth in the explicit text of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and the instructions and Jan. 9th, constitution of the IBC/UHJ set forth by Shoghi Effendi Rabanni. Thus has this Truth come as a great shaking issuing forth from Mt. Carmel in America and shaking the very foundations of the heartland of Chicago, Evanston and Wilmette which at this time is the mainstay seat of violation in the US – though many of the faithful reside their and promulgate the divine standard of the genealogy of Baha’u’llah ( which we have made public for all freely since September, 2001, the year “Mustaghath” – He Who Is Invoked for Help – as prophesied in the Baha’i scared writ.
Now these signs and portents and things are not to condemnation but to save! Now is the sounding bell and time for all the people to investigate the truth of the claims of the Baha’i Faith, the foundation of its covenant in the sacred Will and Testament of ‘Abdul-Baha, and make their choice. They can come under the provisions of the covenant (, jopin God’s heavely army – the 144,000 - or remain obstinate – and be replaced by others - as the catastrophe which is upon us now continues to escalate in both its timing and intensity. Thus with 1966 Injunction non-applicable to Our Cause and International Teaching Effort (“pro tantum brutum fulmen”) we now have a reprieve to continue teaching and growing and promulgating the Law of Universal Love, the Oneness of Humanity and Justice for All, that is at the very core and foundation of the teachings and Revelation of Baha’u’llah and is the animis and real spit incarnated in this now public and visible Order: the Kingdom of God (Davidic). Only the UHJ with the living Davidic King as it present is so fully contacted. Only this incarnation of the Cause of God – identified through its hereditary member – the “sign of God” (W&T, p. 11) is vouchsafed by the power of the Covenant to make a lasting and impressionable effect upon the world at large. For guidance, for truth, for unorganized religion: this organization alone – which is not a substitute for the faith – is so dedicated. God has today revealed His government for all the people of the world; it can only work established upon the foundation of true religion and true spirituality unorganized and unalloyed. The current living Guardian thus Guards it from becoming organized and prevents any clergy from forming. Take heed and warning! For those who have insight into these things -For the shadow of totalitarianism spiritual, material and otherwise, in this Day, still threatens the livelihood of all of humankind.May God’s Blessing and favors be showered amongst All on these Twelve days of Holy Ridvan, 2008.
On behalf of the Council and all the faithful and loyal workers at the World Center ,
Your servant,

Cracks in The Covenant


Bahá'ís present their "Covenant" as something unique to their religion. They present it as an undisputable documented contract of inheritance, a will and testament, that is protected by God so that any violaters against it will be rendered impotent by it. The Bahá'í Faith's history is full of fragmentation, and the course the Bahá'í Faith has taken quick surprise turns on a number of occasions.
Bahá'í Faith is itself a
product of Covenant Breaking
First Covenant Breaking
The act that brought the Bahá'í Faith itself into existence was in defiance of such a covenant. The Báb's successor, was actually Mirza Yahya and Not Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'ís produced evidence that Bahá'u'lláh was the Báb's intended successor, but did not deny that the Báb appointed Mirza Yahya.
Second Covenant Breaking
Bahá'u'lláh appointed his eldest son Abdu'l-Bahá as his successor and after him his younger son Mohammed Ali. After the death of Abdu'l-Bahá although Mohammed Ali was alive still many followed , Shoghi effendi the grandson of Abdu'l-Bahá. Not following Mohammed Ali was Covenant Breaking of Bahá'u'lláh's writing.
Third Covenant Breaking
Later, the third Bahá'í leader, Shoghi Effendi, died childless. Having failed to produce a will, and having failed to leave any clear indication of a successor, Shoghi left the Bahá'í world in a precarious situation. What he did was in apparent violation of the Bahá'í Covenant. The Bahá'ís whose allegiance lies with the heterodox organisation, those loyal to the Universal House of Justice currently seated in Haifa, Israel, maintain that those who are true to the Covenant will be empowered by the Covenant.
Bahá'í history shows us a different picture. At many times, the Bahá'ís who eventually prevailed were nearly vanquished. The Bahá'ís loyal to Universal House of Justice claims that they are are dominant group, but even that domination seems impotent and obscure, lacking the influence to even familiarize the world with the word Bahá'í in this information age.
Bahá'í history is mottled with inheritance disputes. In defense of their Covenant, Bahá'ís regard the darker periods as divine tests, arguing that egos are often tested by opportunities for power.
What Bahá'ís do not acknowledge is the fact that their history is just as fragmented as other religions, with breaks occurring from its first years to the years following the death of Shoghi Effendi.
At present The Bahá'ís are fragmented in following sects.
1. People of Bayan or Bayanis
2. Essence Of the Baha'i Faith
3. Unitarian Baha'is
4. Free Baha'is
5. Reform Baha'is
6. New History Society
7. Those who Believe In Continuation Of Guardianship
8. Orthodox Baha'is (followers of Joel B. Marangella)
9. Bahá'ís Under the Provisions of the Covenant (Jensen group, Missoula, MT)
10.Baha'is Loyal to the Guardian (followers of Jacques Soghomonian)
11.Tarbiyat Baha'is (followers of Rex King et al)
12.Heterodox Bahá'ís


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