Friday, September 3, 2010

BANK FRAUD - Re: Baha'i technique of loan application (using false, inflated statistics to qualify for loans)

Here is how the loan is applied for:
> 1) NSA applies for a loan
> 2) NSA Provides the number of contributers- now, recall how Baha'i UHJ
> claims that universal participation is important- even if one gives
> $1.00?
> 3) Thus everyone is counted, even if they hardly contributed.
> 4) The total amount of contribution: here, the balance is padded by
> contributions (actually false loans) from Habib Sabet- Khojasteh-
> Amanat- Banani- and many other wealthy Baha'is.
> 5) Once the loan is obtained from the US Bank, then the " paddedd
> loans" from the wealthy Baha'is are quietly returned .
> 6) It is no surprise then to see a deficits of 2-3 millions dollars by
> April of each year- disappear due to "sacrificial givings".
> 7) The giving is really a padded loan from those rich Iranian Baha'i
> Refugees in US-Canada-Australia-Brazil-United Arab Emirates- and even
> Iran.
> This is in summary the Baha'i technique of "padding" the number of
> contributers and "padding" the amount of contributions.
> This technique is used very frequently by the NSA- UHJ. It is very
> difficult to pierce as the number of contributers plus contributions
> can not be entirely audited.
> Recall how the Canada NSA has a huge deficit but in their Tax filing,
> the Canada NSA has a surplus of several million dollars.
> Link:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> There you have it- dear TRB readers.
> I agree with Dr. Maneck in the first part of her response. In the
> second part, you can see how the "padding" is done in order to extract
> the maximum loan amount from the US Bank.
> Henry
> avicenna9012000@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > That is an excellent point.
>> > When the US NSA must obtain loans- then the number of followers
> would be great to inflate.
>> > Non-profit organizations have ways to get their loans approved.
>> Banks look at numbers of contributers and amounts of contributions.
>> They couldn't care less what the membership is if they don't
> contribute.
Message from discussion BANK FRAUD - Re: Baha'i technique of loan application


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